
Pay as you go. Only pay for the transactions that you process.

$0.00 USD
100 Transactions (Free)
1 Company
1 Seat
Basic Support
Get Started
$0.18 USD
Unlimited Transactions
Unlimited Companies
Unlimited Seats
Priority Support
Get Started
Custom Pricing
> 5,000 transactions a month
Custom Features
API Access
Dedicated Support
Get Started
Casual Users

Are you looking to use Breezing for only a few transactions?

There is a free version to help businesses get to know crypto before the delve right now.

Contact Us

Get some clarity on pricing

Contact us if we've missed your question

Do I get a free trial?

Yes, you get to use Breezing for up to 100 transactions to vet us and make sure we're a fit.

What does a seat mean?

If you want to invite your colleagues or a client to get feedback on transactions, then extra seats will be needed.

What's your billing cycle?

We send you a bill monthly with the transactions you've purchased. If you purchased no transactions that month, then no bill.

What would be my bill for 2,000 transactions?

2,000 x $0.18 = $360

What if I only have 1 company but 300 transactions?

You would then need to move up to the Startup plan.

Can I quit anytime?

Yes you can. We don't believe in locking you in and it forces us to stay sharp and improve.

Could find the answer you are looking for?

Please send us a message and we will help you to get all your questions answered